Friday, November 7Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 236Jose Luis Solís López,
a teacher in the Zapatista’s “Little School” (La Escuelita) was targeted and murdered, and at least 15 Zapatistas seriously injured during an ambush on Friday, May 2, 2014.
The same attackers damaged or destroyed both the autonomous Mayan school and the local health clinic at the Zapatista caracol of La Realidad. We are hosting a solidarity event and fundraiser to support the Zapatista community and to help rebuild the Zapatista Escuelita.
Please join us Friday, November 7th at 4 pm for a panel discussion, and solidarity mural painting event to support this vital community resource and to support Indigenous resistance movements and to help raise funds to rebuild the Zapatista Escuelita. Our guest panelists are Felipe Ferreira, Tabitha Milian, Chris Rodriguez and Rose Harriot, all have spent time in
Chiapas and will be sharing stories of their time at the Zapatista Escuelita.
We will be working on a community solidarity mural.
Special musical guests will be “Son Clandestino.”

For questions or comments about this event please contact
Danica Love Brown at
This event is sponsored by Students for Unity at PSU and the Portland Anarchist Black Cross.
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The Portland Alliance November Issue!