Donate to Save Alternative Media!
Right now the Alliance Servers are down

The Portland Alliance has been struggling. But last year we published 5 print issues and 2 online issues. We upgraded our online resources through the efforts of dedicated volunteers. And thanks to Free Geek, we have a nine server network base for the newspaper and nonprofit.
Even during these hard times, the Alliance endorsed Occupy last August and continues to support the 99% movement. We brought Greg Palast to town, sponsored the Human Rights Film Festival, assisted with MayDay, and have continued to help produce Labor Radio while working closely with Jobs with Justice. We promote Laughing Horse Books, PCASC, Voz, B-Media, and many other members of the Alliance Progressive Directory. We still have multiple writers, seven editors, three cartoonists, and multiple columnists and artists who help deliver real news and speak truth to power.
But we need your help. If you care about Alternative Media and Education, help us to keep the Alliance alive. If you can help us with any amount, please donate what you can so we can survive. We can also use more volunteers. No fear, no surrender, and no compromise. Make a difference!
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