The Ongoing revitalization…
Progress Report and Important Dates:
Progress Report and Important Dates:

What's Goin' on with TPA?
The Portland Alliance has a new home!
5926 North Albina Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97217-2210
Stop by to say hello!
Portland, Oregon 97217-2210
Stop by to say hello!
please call 503-327-8377
or fax 503-327-8949
best regards, Tim
or fax 503-327-8949
best regards, Tim
Portland progressives deserve real news, a voice and a seat at the table!
P o r t l a n d A l l i a n c e C o m m u n i t y M e e t i n g s :
August Meeting Dates:
Wednesday, August 3rd, 7-9pm: Editorial Committee, at 5926 N. Albina
Tuesday, August 9th, 5-9pm: Writers Workshop & BBQ, PLEASE RSVP to Location
will be 5926 N. Albina, weather permitting.
Monday, August 15th, NAAME/TPA Board Meeting at 7-9pm at Concordia University
(Bus #9 or # 75) In the Library Meeting Room, between Holman, Dekum, 29th & 27th Ave.
Wednesday, August 17, 7-9pm: Editorial Committee Meeting, at 5926 N. Albina
Sunday, August 28th, 2 pm-6 pm: Office Work Party, at 5926 Albina
The Portland Alliance:
"Distressing Portland's Elite Since 1981"
TPA/NAAME: A 501C3 Oregon nonprofit
Box 14162 / Portland, OR / zip 97293-0162
Production Office: 5926 North Ålbina Åve.
Portland, Oregon 97217-2210
Phone (503)-327-8377 Fax (503)-327-8949
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Production Office is at 5926 N. Albina Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97217-2210
Archives in SE Portland on Alder
Editorial Committee Internal Communications:
"There is a plan for our lives, full of hope, and a future."