Sunday, April 1, 2012

Police Murders of Unarmed Citizens Must Stop

~~ Ron Frashour has been reinstated. Ron recklessly shot Aaron Campbell in the back.
Aaron was unarmed. The arbitration ruling was not a recommendation, it was an order.
It has been put into effect, make no mistake. And there is no consensus among city officials
|to appeal. In fact, there is some question as to whether or not the city can appeal.

"The city is reviewing whether it can appeal the ruling, and whether state law would allow
the judgment to stand. The Portland Police Association, in noting that a grand jury ruled
earlier that Frashour wasn't at fault in the shooting, praised Wilkinson's decision."

~~We need thousands of people in the streets to make certain that all city officials understand
this situation is untenable. This officer is dangerous. He has an itchy trigger finger. At a time
when prudence would have demanded he check with the officers who arrived before him,
he recklessly shot an unarmed man in the back.

"The chief agreed that it was unreasonable for Frashour, a nine-year Portland officer, to believe
that Campbell posed an immediate threat of death or physical injury. Frashour seemed to only
focus on his AR-15 rifle without noticing what was going on around him, the board found.
The chief further found Frashour's answers to internal affairs' questions troubling. Frashour
refused to acknowledge that the six beanbag shotgun rounds that struck Campbell before
the fatal shot could have caused a pain reaction, such as running away, and said he never
considered the possibility that Campbell was unarmed."

~~Unless we show up, stand up, and speak out... loud and clear, this officer will remain
on the streets, putting citizens lives at risk. The vast majority of PDX officers who have been
fired or suspended have been reinstated... even when their conduct cost innocent lives.
Do not assume the city of Portland will do the right thing. Please show up at City Hall,
between 11:30 and 12 noon. For the picket line and news conference.
(If it's during your lunch hour, be there!) We need all the support we
can get if we hope to keep our streets safe.

Killed by police

Larry McKinney, 2012
Brad Morgan, 2012
Elias Angel Ruiz, 2012
Jimmy Georgeson, 2012
Anthony McDowell, 2011
Darryel Ferguson - 2010
Aaron Campbell, 2010
Jack Collins, 2010
Keaton Otis, 2010
Derek Coady, 2008
Jason Spoor, 2008
Andrew Hanlon, 2008
Steven Bolen, 2007
Timothy Grant, 2007
Songseumsack Tanovan, 2007
James Chasse, 2006
Lukas Glenn, 2006
Jordan Case, 2006
Fouad Kaady, 2006
Raymond Gwerder, 2005
Dwayne Novak, 2005
James Jahar Perez, 2004
Warren Sercombe, 2004
Joyce Staudenmaier, 2004
Eddie Homsombath, 2003
Kendra James, 2003
Jeremy Shellbe, 2002
Daniel Flannigan, 2002
Anthony Utah-Zona Beck, 2002
Dickie Dow, 1998
Patricia Sweany, 1997
Tom Graves, 1995
Gale Moody, 1994
Michael Lee Henry, 1991
Mari Lyn Sandoz, 1990
Jeff Chilson, 1989
Daniel Ynosente Reyes, 1987
Timothy Baumel, 1987
Jose Carlos Echeagary, 1986
Frank Bearcub, 1985
Mark Roy Stomps, 1984
Lawrence L Stacey, 1981
Jose Mejia Poot,
Janet Marilyn Smith,

~~~We must be vigilant and take it to the streets to let our city
officials know we will not accept having dangerous officers on
the street. Not today, not tomorrow, not next week.
One life lost is one too many. We must put an end to the killing.

most sincerely,
Tim Flanagan,
associate editor of The Portland Alliance
Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media & Education
5926 N. Albina Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97217-2210