Thursday, April 28, 2011

The 2011 TPA Summertime Blues Part One is coming!

The Portland Alliance (TPA) has been speaking Truth to Power since 1981."  Beginning as a radical underground newspaper at Reed College in 1968, the Willamette Bridge was transformed into the Portland Scribe, an underground counter-culture  resource, and reinvented as the Alliance in 1981.  The Alliance underground still struggles to survive, published by dedicated organizers, activists, artists, and everyday people who walk in off the streets.  Real news for real people.  Welcome!

The Next Alliance is coming!

Featuring Deborah Z. Lee, William Read, Tom Engelhardt, William Seaman, Elizabeth Rathbun, Walida Imarisha, Michael Munk, Rachael Kennedy, Robin Bloomgarden, Yugen Fardan Rashad, Glen Andresen, Mary Otte, Norman Solomon, Bette Lee, Peter C. Little, Shannon Wheeler, Clyde List, John Laforge, Andrew
Bacevich, William Katz, Kathy Kelly, Winslow Meyers, Mike Klepfer, 
and others! 
Enjoy. ~OO~ Peace, Tim

PS... (Deadline for the September Print Issue is August 15th.

Please send submissions, photos, and money!Or volunteer your time.  ;-) 
Thanks for all you do! 

Stop the attacks on the working class! Protect and secure the most vulnerable.
Donate, Subscribe, Buy Ads, Directory Listings, or Classifieds in the Alliance Underground...
From as little as $7 per issues.  Free Classifieds to give away older  stuff.